Mauswheel the ??? Meerca

Mauswheel has a Petpet!

Maus the Robot Meepit
(455 days and 14 hours old)
Owner: ???

Mauswheel likes pestering others.
When meeting others, Mauswheel would stand their ground.

- Attributes -

Age: 466 days old (11,204 hours)
Birthday: 19th October (Y23)
Level: 1
Height: 83 cms.
Weight: 36 lbs.

Fishing Skill: 0

Jobs Completed: 0
Jobs Failed: 0
Job Rank: Intern

- Battledome Stats -

Hit Points: 109 / 109
Strength: EXCELLENT (45)
Defence: very heavy
Movement: GREAT (38)
Intelligence: average

Played: 0
Won: 0
Lost: 0
Drawn: 0
Score: 0


We are going to encounter the devourer of gods themself, the Mauswheel enemy, the absolute destroyer of worlds, archenemy of all speedrunners.
First of their name, spinner of wheels, destroyer of runs.
--AGDQ Deltarune Speedrun, 2022